
The panther walks alone under the cover of darkness. Her solitary path is a path of choice, as she journeys deep within herself guided by her wisdom and intuition. Sensuality is her second nature. She is fully alive to the energy that is both inside and around her. She will feel you before you feel her, and when you do feel her, she will take you deep inside yourself. She is fierce. She will see into your soul, cutting through illusion and awakening you to your core essence. 

Recently I felt the call to pull back and go deep. Now, I’m no stranger to personal development. As I journey on this path it feels like there is not a day that goes by in which I’m not working on myself. However, this felt a bit different. I was urged to completely let go and stop chasing after certain goals I wanted to manifest. 

The idea of this was uncomfortable. It hit a nerve with the masculine part of myself that lives to get out there and make stuff happen.

But my soul knew the way. My soul knew that if I “chase” after something it will not come to fruition. When I chase, I’m creating an energetic resistance, a state of lack, by declaring to the universe that I am without this thing that needs to be “caught”. It was time to surrender, to stop chasing the energy I desire and instead truly become the energy I desire, by any means necessary. 

Would this mean having to question why I was not already the energy I desire, hence seeking it outside of myself? Yes, I would be peaking under that rock. Then I would be throwing that rock far away and diving into the chasm that was underneath it. The journey may not be easy, but I could already see the light at the end of the tunnel and I was heading straight for it. If this journey meant going it alone into the realms of my shadow for a while, so be it. Open the gate. 

At this time the panther started appearing in my dreams. Sometimes alone, sometimes with several others. Every time they attacked me. Every time I fought against them. I defended myself or manifested another to fight my battle for me. It was only in my waking state that I realised, Panther was not trying to tear me apart for sport, she was tearing me apart for my benefit. 

She was trying to take me deeper into surrender, that raw feminine essence that opens you up to experience life on a new level. “Allow me to pin you down”, she said, “then let’s see what happens next. Prepare to be amazed.” 

When I understood Panther’s medicine, I understood the magic behind this solitary walk in the moonlight. I surrendered, and with that came the rise of my wild feminine. Like Panther, she is sensual, wise and fierce. She does not have to chase after anything, she is already everything she needs. 

She is wild. 

Wild body. Wild heart. Wild soul. 

Are you feeling called to surrender to yourself? To what you think you want, to who you think you are? Are you ready to meet your truth? It is not a path for the faint of heart, but if you choose to walk it, may Panther walk it with you. May she guide you towards your surrender, so that you can meet your core essence, that raw beauty that is you. 

Artwork: @novraka


Connemara Kambo


Soul Retrieval