
Nature is our ever-changing constant, and from place to place it carries its own rhythm.

When we set foot on new ground, it can take time to calibrate to the echoes of its song.

This new land speaks to us in whispers, and we can come to know its voice through our silence.

Nature is a playground for our sensual being. When we quieten the mind and drop into the body, we allow our senses to come alive to the world around us.

From this place, we begin to experience the voice of the earth mirrored in the sight of the trees waltzing with the breeze, in the texture of rock underfoot, in the smell of the foliage, damp with the dew of the morning’s awakening.

Dropping deeper into our being, we may welcome a sense of those who set foot on the land before us. How did they dance with the earth? How have aeons past shaped the clay we now bless with our presence?

Finding connection with a new place is a journey of sacred reciprocity.

As we open to receive the welcome of the earth, our reason for coming to being in this place may begin to reveal itself.

This may come to us like a whisper on the wind, a deep internal knowing, or perhaps a quiet sense of which direction to orient as we put our first foot upon the path.

And on this journey, be alive to what gifts you may be inspired to offer.

Time and presence will reveal not only how the land will hold you, but how you will hold the land.


Messages of Nature


We are relocating!